Event Date & Time
3/15/2018 8:30 AM - 3/15/2018 4:00 PMLocation
The Westin Long Beach
333 E Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, California 90802
Online registration is closed; but you can sign up on location.
For questions on registration, please email registration@rcac.org OR Training Dept. at 916-447-9832 x 1429.
6 DW (Drinking Water) Contact hours awarded.
Certificates for Contact hours are available through your profile.
These contact hours have been approved for the registered environmental health specialist program.
Registration/Check-in: 8 am; Lunch is one hour (on your own). Limited to 40 attendees.
Priority attendance will be given to those from smaller water systems.
For questions on registration email registration@rcac.org or call Training Dept. at 916-447-9832 x 1429.