Board Roles & Responsibilities (California) 102324-2


Event Date & Time

10/23/2024 2:00 PM - 10/23/2024 4:00 PM


Times listed are Pacific Time

Board Roles and Responsibilities


2 California Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded

Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist Program

Certificates will be available through your profile.


Date & Time:

The Board Roles & Responsibilities training will be held on the following date and time:

October 23 2:00PM-4:00PM 

This training is being held in Pacific Time.


There are many responsibilities attached to serving on a water board. Many board members are unaware of the scope and breadth of these responsibilities, which range from fiscal responsibility to environmental compliance, ethics, avoiding conflicts of interest and familiarity with state and federal laws. This workshop will give participants the information and resources they need to understand a board’s legal responsibilities and become proactive and informed board members.

Participants will learn:

·       Why a public drinking water supply system must operate as a viable business

·       The concept of capacity development for technical, managerial and financial (TMF) elements, and how each of the TMF elements are interrelated

·       The key legal responsibilities of governing bodies in the oversight of a water utility

·        Board practices that can help water boards stay informed and respond proactively

Board Basics Series: The recommended audience includes system managers, new or existing board members and those considering serving on a water system board.



This training will be hosted online on GoToTraining.

Scholarship & Fees:

Board Roles & Responsibilities is a free training to attend.



To receive contact hours for online workshops, each person must be registered with their own email address. An evaluation at the end of the training is also required.


Are you attending as a group, but not watching from your own computer?

Attendees do not need to participate from their own computer/device for the online trainings. Each attendee will be required to register and complete an evaluation to verify their participation. Prior to session start, a Group Leader will need to inform RCAC ( which attendees will view the sessions together. Following the training an evaluation is sent to the Group Lead who will be responsible for sharing it with each attendee in the group.


For registration questions, contact:

RCAC Events
(916) 447-9832 ext. 1429


By registering for an RCAC event, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the code of conduct set forth by RCAC for training participants, which is available here RCAC Training Code of Conduct.  Please read the code of conduct carefully before proceeding with the registration process.  

Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part under the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resiliency (SAFER) Drinking Water Program through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the foregoing, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.


RCAC is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.