NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona Water Treatment Certification 111924


Fee End Date Fee Description Amount
11/19/2024 No charge Free REGISTER HERE

Event Date & Time

11/19/2024 8:30 AM - 11/19/2024 2:30 PM


Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Arts & Recreation
1316 Sackett Street
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona Water Treatment Certification



5 Nevada Contact Hours awarded

Certificates will be available through your profile.


Date & Time:

The NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona Water Treatment Certification training will be held on the following date and time:

November 19 8:30AM-2:30PM 

This training is being held in Pacific Time.


In the arid Southwest, there will always be a need for new tribal operators to take care of our most precious resource. The focus of the workshop is to develop the next generation of tribal water operators and assist current operators in the exercise of their duties. This in-person event will allow for networking opportunities and the chance to benefit from the collective knowledge in the room.

Operator certification water treatment topics covered:

·        Coagulation

·        Flocculation

·        Sedimentation

·        Filtration

·        Disinfection


In addition to the water treatment topics listed participants will also learn about the most recent regulation regarding PFAS.



This training will be hosted at the following address:

Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Arts & Recreation 

1316 Sackett Street

Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

Click here for Google map directions.

Scholarship & Fees:

NAWMA Southern Nevada & Northern Arizona Water Treatment Certification is a free training to attend.



Please register on this page.


For registration questions, contact:

RCAC Events
(916) 447-9832 ext. 1429


By registering for an RCAC event, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the code of conduct set forth by RCAC for training participants, which is available here RCAC Training Code of Conduct.  Please read the code of conduct carefully before proceeding with the registration process.  


RCAC is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


Fee End Date Fee Description Amount
11/19/2024 No charge Free REGISTER HERE