Distribution Operator Training for Tribal Water Systems 051425


Fee End Date Fee Description Amount
5/14/2025 No charge Free REGISTER HERE

Event Date & Time

5/14/2025 8:30 AM - 5/14/2025 3:30 PM


Venue information coming soon!
This training is being held in the Pacific Time Zone.
, Nevada

Distribution Operator Training for Tribal Water Systems



6 Nevada Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded

Certificates will be available through your profile.


Date & Time:

The Distribution Operator Training for Tribal Water Systems training will be held on the following date and time:

May 14 8:30AM-3:30PM 

This training is being held in the Pacific Time Zone.


The operator exam is approaching, and you want to increase your chances of passing. This training is designed to provide knowledge and help you identify areas where you may need additional study or assistance. We will focus on different aspects of the Distribution Grades 1 and 2 exams. You will identify areas for further study and build upon them.


Participants will learn:

·        Distribution system overview

·        Distribution equipment

·        Basic math essentials

·        Testing tips and tricks

·        Cross-connection control basics

·        Component repairs

·        Chemicals

·        Laboratory samples

·        Safety


Target audience: This training is aimed at individuals preparing to take the Distribution Operator Level 1 or 2 exam.


Venue information coming soon!

Scholarship & Fees:

Distribution Operator Training for Tribal Water Systems is a free training to attend.



Please register on this page.


For registration questions, contact:

RCAC Events
(916) 447-9832 ext. 1429


By registering for an RCAC event, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the code of conduct set forth by RCAC for training participants, which is available here RCAC Training Code of Conduct.  Please read the code of conduct carefully before proceeding with the registration process.  

This publication was produced as part of the RCAP Technitrain Project.


RCAC is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


Fee End Date Fee Description Amount
5/14/2025 No charge Free REGISTER HERE